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High Plains Highwaymen Shooting May 8th

Howdy All!

We are all set for our May 8th shoot. If you haven't heard yet we are now hosting the Texas Tumbleweeds on the 1st Saturday of the month. Black Smith Jim and Cayenne will be running the shoots just like normal. Here is the new range schedule,

1st Saturday Texas Tumbleweeds (Wolfpack Ranch)

2nd Saturday (open)

3rd Saturday High Plains Highwaymen (Wolfpack Ranch)

4th Saturday (Pampa Gun Club)

5th Saturday Old Fashioned Cowboy Shoot (Wolfpack Ranch)

Shooting registration is at 9am shooting starts at 10am

This year our shoots are themed around famous outlaws and this one has a particularly interesting story. Read Below to find out who this months outlaw is!


Billy the Kid was born with the name Henry McCarty on November 23, 1859. There is not much that is known of Billy the Kid from a young age. What is known is that he was raised by his mother whom died of tuberculosis in 1874. Billy was only 14 at the time and spent his next few years as an orphan going from foster home to boarding house. The kid met a few rough men along the way pushing him into petty crimes and thievery. After a few years he headed west where he joined a gang. This gang was recruited to fight a war in Lincoln county where Billy the

Kid made a huge mistake that kept him running from the law for the rest of his life. After this, he lived his life as an outlaw stealing horses and cattle. He was eventually caught and sentenced to death but quickly escaped… Find out what happened to Billy the Kid at the May 8th shoot!

PSST!!! Pay close attention to the stories, next years annual will be a murder mystery and all monthly shoots will lay out the suspects!!


We will be having burgers and dogs for lunch directly after the shoot. Club provides the meat and buns, bring chips, toppings and dessert if you can. Also we will be having a meeting after the shoot to discuss our next step for the range. Please email Howlin Wolf at if you would like to participate.

Range Work Days

*As you all know this is a brand new cowboy club which means that it needs a lot of work. We have done so much work already but there is still loads to go. I think we could reserve the 2nd Saturday for range work days let me know what you think. We would love everyone and anyone to come and help out. Remember one mans trash is another mans treasure so if you have old wagon wheels or any thing you feel like is cowboy looking we can always use stuff to make the range look better. If you would like to be notified of these days on a more immediate basis please notify Howlin Wolf at (719) 510-7307 or

Here are the stages for May 8th Shoot

High Plains Highwaymen

The club Info:

Annual Membership is

$25.00 for single member

$35.00 for a family

Monthly fees:

$5.00 for members per person

$10 for non-members single person

$10 for first non-member family shooter ($8 for any additional family member

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