Tips for first time shooters
We all started off new!!! Don’t feel rushed or embarrassed we have all been there and we know what its like to be the new guy. Relax and ENJOY! If you have questions, ask. We are here to help but please remember this is still a competition for the other shooters as well.
Communicate ahead of time!!! Let the club know ahead of time if you need to borrow guns. Most cowboys are very willing to let you borrow some guns and its much easier for you and all the shooters involved if you contact us before you come out.
Think about the other shooters!!! If you only have one set of guns and there are more shooters in your family, space your self out between all shooters in the posse. This allows for you to unload and move guns safely to your next shooter. Again, let the club know prior to the shoot and people will bring extra guns.
Dress the part!!! A big part of this sport is dressing like old fashioned cowboys and cowgirls. Its not easy at first which we understand but if you don’t have the clothes then thrift stores are always selling old fashioned clothes as well as your fellow cowboys and cowgirls who may be able to donate some things. Be creative and have fun with it!
Make a friend!!! We are all here to help, if you feel like you need work outside of a competition or monthly ask a cowboy or cowgirl to help. Many of us will be willing to come to the range on an off day and work with you so you feel more comfortable during a monthly competition.
Explore the SASS website!!! Do this ahead of time so that you understand what it is that we do and it will make it easier for you to understand what is going on when you come out to a shoot. Look at the names and the rules for dress, guns, categories, safety book, etc. You’ll be happy that you did because it’s a fun world to be a part of!
Show up early!!! Registration generally opens an hour before the shooting starts so come and let the other cowboys and cowgirls help you set up and get your bearings so that we can all have a great and fun time when the shooting starts. It will make your transition easier!
Come to Lunch!!! Most of the clubs go to lunch somewhere after the shoot. This is always so much fun and it is a great way to talk to some of your fellow shooters and ask those questions that you didn’t ask during the shoot. You can make friends and get food at the same time!
Lead Bullets Only!!! Our targets are only designed for lead bullets so please don’t use anything else! If you are borrowing guns talk to that cowboy or cowgirl about what ammo to use. Most shooters will help you out the first few times but it can get pricey so try and look at resources to get cowboy specific ammo.
Have Fun!!! Although safety is the most important thing, having fun is a close second. This may be a competition but who said competitions can’t be fun. Relax and enjoy the laughter that all of these old cowboys and cowgirls share. If you don’t leave with a smile on your face than something isn’t right.